Samuele Cigardi

About Me

Hello World, I’m Samuele Cigardi and I’m a developer in love with technology. Literally, I can’t live without it.
Technology nowadays is all around us and I constantly see things to work on and to develop in many different ways. Being a developer makes me feel like a Wizard, and I like doing my magic with Unity.
I’ve always been passionate about electronics and that’s why I love creating things from scratch, from robotics to AR, VR, 3D Mapping and many others... way too many.

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Lead Unity Developer

March - July 2018 Orwell - Virtual Soccer Zone Game

In this period I worked as Lead Unity Developer in a small game development studio called Orwell (Milan). In this project I developed many of the core features of the game and I supervised the tech team.

Mobile Game Unity Developer

October-December 2017 Valextra SPA

In this short period I worked as freelance developing a mobile game for Valextra, a luxury bags brand from Milan. I was the only Unity Developer on this project, and I also supervised all the Art and Design team.

VR Developer / Interaction Designer

2017 Aqualandia - Jesolo

Freelance - In this period I developed the Software and the Hardware for the first VR waterslide in the world. I also developed together with the Bigrock R&D team a pipeline for rendering the contents using Unity. I did this using Unity and Arduino.

Interaction Design Workshop Teacher

July 2017 Naba

Freelance - Here I taught in a workshop how to build a robot with Unity as mind. Here I used Unity and Arduino.

Interaction Designer

2016-2017 Cinecittá Museum

Freelance - In this period I developed 3 interactive installations for the Cinecittá Museum using Unity.

Unity University Teacher

2015-2016 Naba

In this two years I started working as Unity Teacher in Naba Milan.

VR R&D Technical Supervisor

2015-2017 Bigrock

In this years I also worked as Technical Supervisor for the VR and Interactive project in the Bigrock's Research and Development Team.

VR Technologies Teacher

2015-2017 Bigrock

In this period I started working for a school called Bigrock and together we founded the first Master in Virtual Reality. Here I taught Unity, Maya and Unreal Engine.

AR Developer

2016 Unesco Switzerland

Freelance - In this period I worked on 2 AR Installations on Unesco World Heritage museum in Switzerland. I did this using Unity.

Research and Development

2015 Moovie

Developing hardware and software for a lowcost cable-cam. Here I created a remote controlled Moving Head, based on a Gimbal electronics and a motorized system for the cable movement. In this work I used Arduino and an Alexmos based Board.

Repairer / R&D

2014 Sharebot srl

Here I worked with 3D printers, I worked as Repairer and I worked on the development of a cheap 3D Printer that was sold in pieces in a famous magazine.

Unity Developer

2014 Naba

Freelance - During this period I worked on creating interactive installations using Unity during the OpenDay's of the school.


2013-2014 RollingStone Italian Website

Freelance - In this period i worked as videomaker in a project called School of Rec for RollingStone.

Interaction Designer

June 2013 Nameless Music Festival

Freelance - Here I helped developing a software for managing the Video Mapping and a System for the visuals that interacts with the live video streaming on the Main Stage, I also worked on a very cheap camera moving head for the crane, that helped the videomakers team to get cool shots for the aftermovie.

Web Developer

2013 Nclp

Freelance - In this period I worked as Web Developer in a project where people can create online their personal Video CV, this project was developed using Html5, PHP, CSS3 and Javascript to Manage the automation pipeline based on After Effects.

Interaction Designer

June-July 2013 Otolab

Freelance - In this period I developed together with the Otolab team an Interactive Installation called Rotoscape. I worked with MaxMsp and Processing.

Game Developer

2012 Nestlé - FoodCoaching

Freelance - In this period I Developed 6 Mini 2D Games for the Nestlé Food Coaching Website. That games were developed in Adobe Flash and unfortuately it's not online anymore.


Machine Learning Online Course

2017 Udemy

A complete course about Machine Learning, I’m really Interested in this Argument and I really wanted to understand it’s basics and how it works. In this course I learned how to write a machine learning system from scratch and how to deal with it using open source libraries.

Python Online Course

2015 Udemy

I felt a bit lost with its syntax, a bit different from the others c-style programming languages that I knew, so I decided to start a complete online course about it, I really needed it for a project with a Raspberry PI, but then became incredibly useful inside the Autodesk Maya environment, and in many others cases.

C++ Online Course

2015 Udemy

I love to learn programming languages on the field, readapt what I know for the project I have in front of me, but after some years as “self-taught” I really needed to fully understand the basics to go on. I did this course to fully understand the father of all C-Style programming languages, to better understand also all the others.

Computer Graphics Master

2014-2015 Bigrock

After the Media Design course I understood that what I wanted to do in my my life are interactive things, from games to interactive installations. But when I started working a limit for me was that I really don’t know enough how the 3D Computer Graphics works, and I really needed to do something about it. This is why I choosed to do this very intensive ComputerGraphics course, at the end of it everything about it was extremely clear.

Unity Intro

2012 Bigrock

During the Media Design University, I decided with some other classmates to do a Game for the Thesis, and that game had to be in 3D, I tried using Unity before, but I was completely unexperienced and this software was a completely different world compared to the other software i was using before, so we decided to attend this course, was an incredible period, after that I completely felt in love with this software.

Media Design University

2011-2013 Naba Milan

This is where my life really started, or better where I understood that my passion could be a work, at the end of the Language School I really wanted to do something that I’m really interested in, so looking around, after starting a short period studying electronic engineering, I saw this university, that merges together both creative and technical knowledge, so I decided to change, here in 3 years I learnt many things, from the cinema to electronics, videogames, music and art.

Language School

2005-2010 Gallio Como

This is the first school I could choice, I really think that it wasn’t a good choice for me, but at the same time the things I learnt here were absolutely extremely useful, here I learned 3 languages: English,French and Spanish, besides all the others classical italian high school subjects.

Software Skills

Unity Engine

Unreal Engine

Lumberyard Engine

Autodesk Maya

Autodesk MotionBuilder


Maxon Cinema 4D

The Foundry Modo

Autodesk Fusion 360

Substance Painter

Substance Designer

Adobe Flash

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Premiere

Apple Final Cut

Agisoft Photoscan

Max Msp

Ableton Live

Coding Skills











Max Msp

Unreal Blueprints

Unity Playmaker



Git / Github


Hardware Skills


Raspberry PI

3D Printing





Assembling Computers



Camera Moving Heads / Gimbals


OS Skills

Microsoft Windows




Linux Shell

Mac OSX Shell

Windows Shell

More About Me

Curious, keen on blowing things up and on explosions, I strongly believe that in order to learn how to build something you first need to destroy something.

I’ve always been fascinated by how things work and how stuff is made. That’s the reason why I tend to create things from scratch, both manually and with softwares. By doing this, I’m pretty sure I’ll never get bored.

I find myself very lucky, what a time to be alive. Technology nowadays is all around us and I see things to work on and to develop in many different ways everywhere. A time where I’m free to understand what I want, free to build and discover everything I’m interested into. A time in which I had the chance to fall in love with tools like Unity or Arduino, things that changed completely the way I look at things and live my life.

With my studies and my freelance experience in the last years, I tried to keep up with the ongoing discoveries, that’s how I found myself overwhelmed by VR, Games and any kind of electronic junk in a very good way.

Problem solving is what made me learn what I know so far and most of all it is what drives me learning more and improving every day.

Willing to build things on my own and inventing stuff have always been what I lived for. Since I was a kid, if in the house something was missing, I’ve always tent to replace it and solve the problem inventing something instead of just searching for the missing piece.

Technology, VR and games mixed together are my passion and my biggest weakness, cause I always end up spending everything in every kind of new gadget or gear to use it and spoil it as much as I can.

This is what I love doing and turning it into work is what makes my job pure fun!

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Virtual Soccer Zone
Virtual Soccer Zone
Maya, SteamVR, Unity, Videogame, VR
Shopping Craze – Mobile Game
Shopping Craze – Mobile Game
Android, IOS, Unity, Videogame
3D Matrix Ledwall for Edit Turin
3D Matrix Ledwall for Edit Turin
Interaction, MaxMsp, Maya, Unity
Nurbs Painter
Nurbs Painter
Interaction, Maya, PyMel, R&D, SteamVR, Unity, VR
Aqualandia Scary Falls VR
Aqualandia Scary Falls VR
Android, Arduino, Maya, Unity, VR
Naba Robotics Workshop
Naba Robotics Workshop
Arduino, Interaction, MaxMsp, R&D, Unity
HTC Vive Full Body Mocap
HTC Vive Full Body Mocap
Interaction, Maya, PyMel, R&D, SteamVR, Unity, VR
Eurostar Odyssey VR
Eurostar Odyssey VR
Android, IOS, Maya, VR
Powerbocce 9999
Powerbocce 9999
Maya, SteamVR, Unity, Videogame, VR
Maya, SteamVR, Unity, Videogame, VR
VR Glove
VR Glove
Arduino, Interaction, R&D, SteamVR, Unity, VR
World Slider for Osservatorio Alpinistico Lecchese
World Slider for Osservatorio Alpinistico Lecchese
Arduino, Interaction, Unity
VR Telepresence
VR Telepresence
R&D, SteamVR, Unity, VR
Runes The Forgotten Path
Runes The Forgotten Path
Maya, SteamVR, Unity, Videogame, VR
Build Your 3D Printer (prototype for a weekly magazine)
Build Your 3D Printer (prototype for a weekly magazine)
Interaction, R&D
Nameless Music Festival Visual System
Nameless Music Festival Visual System
Arduino, Interaction, MaxMsp, Video
Arduino, Interaction, MaxMsp, R&D

Get in Touch

Erba (CO), Italy
+39 3933956206

Contact Me